Looking for a fulfilling job? Ikigai to the rescue!

Yellow door in a line surrounded by white doors - Ikigai to the rescue to find a fulfilling job

“I know what job I don’t want!
I don’t know what job I want…”

The daily dialogue between me, myself and I was sterile!
No matter how many job options I was considering, the result was the same. The 1st objection crossing my mind was quickly and firmly closing the door I had opened.


Call it fear, lack of trust, blase, all these…
Never mind what it was, I felt stuck!


It was only when I discovered the Ikigai concept that I got hope again in finding what I really wanted! Yet, it took time and occurrences before I walked through that door with curious eyes.

In the next few lines, you’ll discover a glimpse of Ikigai and the outcome the process had on some of my clients.

Feeling empty

I first came across Ikigai 4 years ago. At that time I was off work looking after my 2nd baby and at a loss professionally. I had left my previous job for which I had lost appetite and was determined to find a job I enjoyed.

To that end, I hired a career coach. We focused too much on my transferable skills and the Luxembourg job market. We could not find a match. If a job attracted me, I needed years of study, or it did not exist in tiny Luxembourg. There were jobs that I could do but in a sector/role, I did not feel attracted to. This method was not working for me.

Unlocking your daily life purpose

Ikigai Venn Diagram

When I discovered Ikigai via the Venn diagram, the concept blew me away immediately. The holistic approach made so much sense to me.

I tried to apply it. So I learned about it, watched YouTube tutorials, read blogs on how to complete it, you name it!
There was an issue though. Sure, I could see how to fill in each section. Yet, I could not figure out how to unlock my Ikigai from all these isolated inputs. I needed support for that.

Unfortunately, no local companies were offering Ikigai services. And in a pre-pandemic era, video consultations were not an option. So, I dropped the idea. I went back to a job I could do in a sector I no longer enjoyed. Disappointed.

Great for professionals in transition or lost in their careers

In 2022 I attended an online workshop on self-worth during which Ikigai popped up. It was a new and more attractive version of what I had seen a few years back. This method from the Ikigai® Coaching Institute got my attention.

It has a comprehensive approach. First, it helps people find their own WHY. Then it integrates it into the real world, where we must make some money and where we may have children to support.

I had transitioned into coaching by now. So, I could see how this unique tool could benefit people in transition or lost in their careers.

It proved me right: I used this method with clients. It had amazing results each time.

A client found out what mattered to them in life and pinned down the way to apply that finding in their career.

A job-seeker doubtful about their calling got the confirmation that the career they had chosen was the right one. They regained confidence as a result of the process.

A mumpreneur identified her next entrepreneurial venture.

Ready to unlock your Ikigai?

If you feel you’re missing out on something in your current life, Ikigai might be the tool you need to get clarity.

All you need to do is push that door open 😉

Valuable local support is available to help you achieve that.

Find out more about this methodology

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